BodyMusic site coming soon! Please email for more information. thanks!
BodyMusic is based on the
idea that we live in a universe of vibration. Everything, from the trees blowing
in the wind, down to the vibration of a single atom, has its own resonant vibration
. . it’s own frequency . . its own energy which permeates the whole of
its being. By touching and making contact with this vibration, we treat the
body as though it were a living instrument, crafting the finest music and vibration
imaginable both from it and down into the deepest depths within. When we let
go enough to feel our own resonant vibration, anything that is not in harmony
with that simply falls away, like snow off of a shaken tree branch. We are left
with the feeling of pure connection to our essential being-ness, our essential
BodyMusic sessions consist mainly of sitting in a relaxed way, while the practitioner
sits behind using light touch on the client’s back and shoulders. Through
making contact with the body’s frame and energy, its underlying structure,
the practitioner can send tuned vibrations to nearly any part of the body, -from-
nearly any part of the body. The client will often feel a sense of profound
connectedness through the process, and a path is opened to re-member the feeling
of well-being from which we all originate.
The path to healing begins simply with feeling better. BodyMusic can be an integral
part of this process.